World Race

Lily Pittman

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lots has happened since january 2nd, sorry to keep you hangin!

firstly! i am overwhelmed with gratitude & so excited to announce that as of february 20th, I AM FULLY FUNDED!!! $17,500. an overwhelming amount that god has been so faithful to provide. this same week, three girls on my squad who were lacking hundreds of dollars in fundraising, within twenty four hours of praying over them were completely funded & MORE. praise that we serve a god whose character is not only to provide but to provide in abundance!!!

sending the biggest hugs from my newest location…


thank you so much to everyone who prayed for me & donated financially! it truly means the world! here’s some highlights of how i’ve gotten to see the lord move over these last 3 months because of your generous support!

you might remember a tiny little town called heidelberg, south africa from my last blog!

here are some pictures from ministry our last four weeks there!


in heidelberg, my team and i hosted a VBS through a local church, kids days, worship nights, got involved with church activities such as leading worship and bible studies, volunteered at a soup kitchen and taught at a school where i worked in the preschool class! every moment here was full of laughter and learning to be still with god!

in this country, the lord was teaching me so much about what childlike faith looks like & to not overlook the miracles in the simple bible lessons that i’ve been taught all of my life so i took it back to sunday school and just as my students were learning about jonah and the whale and jesus calming the storm for the first time, i was reminded to soak in all of the power & kindness of god that makes me fall more and more in love with him everyday!

here are some photos of our fun weekend adventures!

after five sweet weeks here… our next stop is


continued in part two!


2 responses to “where to even begin???”

  1. I love blog updates!!!♥️
    And I love that you got to pour your heart out towards kiddos. I know that God gifted you with this & that it blessed you as well as the children!
    Also that you had time to be still. Even though it may not come naturally or may always be easy. 😉

  2. Hey Lily, so grateful to see God growing and using you for His glory! Grammie & I are praying for you. I’m overwhelmed looking at where you are on the map (I know the South China Sea and Indonesia are huge) and seeing so many places where God’s servants have faithfully shared His love. Your Aunt Christie served in Malaysia, your great-aunt Janet in Viet Nam, your great-great aunt Virginia in Japan. One of my earliest memories is of the Karcesky’s from your great-granddad’s church who served in Irian Jaya among a stone-age, cannibal people. You join literally dozens of His servants we have known and prayed for – Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, China, Phillipines…. I could get carried away 🙂 But it never changes – people need the Lord and His great love!! Thank you for humbling yourself to serve Him!! Can’t wait to hear more of your stories and thanks for the updates!!! Love you!!!

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