from left to right… meghan, sofia, romy, kennedy, lily, kait, abi, and anna!
steadfast – resolutely, dutifully firm, unwavering
we are a team striving to be steadfast in the way that we love others, steadfast in obedience, steadfast in prayer, and steadfast in striving to be more like jesus every day!
now let me introduce you to some of my favorite people in the world!!! i have the privilege of living and doing life with these girls for nine months and learning from each of them every day! they are such a joy and a blessing to me!
my leader, kait!
kait truly is the most selfless, loving, and wise person i have ever met. her life is a beautiful example of what walking in radical obedience to jesus looks like. she has taught me what it looks like to be a bold evangelist and in just one conversation with kait it is so evident how jesus has transformed her life just by the way she talks about him!
my precious anna, she is rich in wisdom and servant hearted to her core! i wish you could all see the way that her eyes light up when she shares something that the lord is teaching her or when she talks about someone she loves! her heart is pure gold.
romy walks in steadfastness with jesus so beautifully and it is so evident in the way that she loves others and carries herself daily. she meets people right where they are, cries with them & laughs with them! she is such a good friend.
oh how i love my abi girl! she has taught me the importance of discipline. i admire her passion for prayer and worship. she loves others so well and makes me laugh so hard. she is simply the best friend and i love knowing her!
sofia is all in for jesus! she is constantly in awe of his beauty and goodness in her life and it’s beautiful to watch. i admire the way that sofia sees everything through a lens of logic and reason and brings so much new knowledge and perspective to a conversation. i learn from her every day!
meghan caries so much wisdom from the lord and it is her greatest joy to share it with others! she is passionate about serving others and she loves sacrificially. she dreams big and i can’t wait to see how the lord brings her dreams to fruition. it is a privilege to know meghan!
kennedy brings so much fun and laughter to our team. her life is evidence of the fullness of joy that walking in jesus’ presence brings!she is resilient, strong, selfless, vulnerable, caring, and one of the best friends i’ve ever had the privilege to know!
they truly are my family!!!
i adore you, team steadfast.
in just two short weeks, my team along with another girls team of seven will be traveling to HEIDELBURG, SOUTH ARICA!
while being separated from most of our squad during the holiday season will be at times difficult, we are SO excited and anticipating how the lord is going to move!!!
we will be living in a local church, about thirty minutes from the coast, partnering with their ministries and outreach programs and evangelizing in the area! thank you SO much for your outpouring of love and support! continue to pray safety over our teams as we travel and peace through this new transition!
love, lily
Lily K, I’m so very proud of you. It is such a gift for you to serve & walk alongside so many amazing young women! I’m thankful for your obedience and sacrifice. I know that God is doing wonderful things in and through you all! Keep your eyes on Jesus. He will bless your steadfastness.
Thanks for “introducing” us to your people!! Love how you are surrounded by strong ladies in the faith. Praying for you as you prepare for another transition. May you be surrounded by His peace.
Mom is a big commenter!
Very proud of you and your whole team. Love you!
Praying for safe travels and an amazing finish to yalls time in Guatemala!! Love u!
Wow! South Africa, what an adventure you are having. I pray for traveling mercies and for your acclimation to a new mission field. We will miss your beautiful face at Christmas time. But God sent his Son so i guess i can be OK with sending my niece to share the Good News 🙂 i love you so much!