i’ve lived in guatemala for a little over one month now. everyday i wake up surrounded by the most intricately designed, beautiful mountains and volcanoes, in awe of the one who created them, eager to sip on yet another cup of coffee and laugh around the breakfast table with friends who feel like home, in wonder at the one who created them. my heart is filled with so much gratitude for the one who reveals his heart to me more and more everyday. this is life abundant!
“the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. i came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
john 10:10
here are some bits and pieces of my camera roll this month! his goodness abounds!!!
antigua with sweet friends!
teaching english at the academy for future leaders!
visiting homes in the villages of acatenango!
painting our ministry’s house!
views of god’s beautiful creation from base!
reading my friend julio the bible on the streets of chimaltenango!
beautiful beautiful antigua!
the hill of the cross!
teaching the armor of god to children in the villages!
thank you for your continued prayer! and support for fundraising! i am 84% funded!!! love, lily