hi!!!!! it’s been a few weeks so let’s catch up!
firstly, i’m living in SOUTH AFRICA now! yippee!
a little over a week ago after five long travel days we made it to a tiny tiny town called heidelberg in the western cape of south africa. its perfect here! there’s a grocery store, an antique store, a gas station, two restaurants and that’s about it!
here is a journal entry i wrote on the first evening of what the lord is teaching me!
there’s been such a sweetness in learning to rest in the lord. there is so much space and time here to spend with him and i love it!!! lots and lots of prayer and time in the word! we have also been worshipping as a team each morning! it’s the best, i love my family here.
here is a picture of us on christmas morning! (featuring our new leader emily)
ministry here looks a little bit different than it did in guatemala. in heidelberg, we live on one big property with a church and also a school & bible college! much of our ministry is through the church which includes things like leading worship and sunday morning skits! we also have done some cleaning and painting in the classrooms! since it’s summer here, school is out. once the school is back open in mid january we will help in the classrooms! but for now, we are hosting a vacation bible school for the kids as well as putting on worship nights and kids days at the church! we will also help out on 5ks every saturday to raise money for the schools and have fellowship in the community! we are just super excited to love on heidelberg this month!!!
this is a typical view here! feeling very very blessed. especially by the 33 cent fresh ice cream from those cows.
we had a very merry christmas this past week! we decorated our tree together and led worship at church! (and put on a skit about the birth of jesus.) then we spent the whole day at a friends pool in sunny 100 degree weather haha. that night we did a white elephant gift swap and had a delicious feast for dinner!
missing them tons!!! but thankful that god is my comfort and is teaching me to lay down the areas where i try to find comfort aside from his presence no matter where i am! close or far from home. i love you mom & dad & mae! sending christmas hugs and kisses!!!
i ate ostrich meat…. and ox tongue. 0/10 do not recommend the tongue. ostrich is surprisingly good!
our first adventure day took us to witsand beach!!! it’s absolutely beautiful
while a lot of our time here is spent in stillness and i don’t have days packed with ministry like i once expected, jesus has been reminding me that he calls me a child of light! it is my inheritance and my portion in him! it’s the gospel!!! he died so that i no longer have to walk in darkness but in his light! so i’m reminded that even just by walking through the grocery store, the people around us will know jesus by the way we love one another. ephesians 5:8 says “for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the lord. walk as children of light.” in john 8:12, jesus says “i am the light of the world. whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” what a joy it is that my savior is the light of the whole wide world! and that i get to walk in it with him!
love, lily
Love you!
Lily, continue to let that bright light shine. I love that you are having time to “be still and know”.
Hugs and much love,
Beautiful pics! Praying you experience God’s glory and blessings as you continue to serve in South Africa. 🙏❤️
Such an encouraging update! We hope you continue to love South Africa and that God shows you many things there!
Excited to read your update, Lily K. I know that God has purpose for each one of your days. Keep pressing into Him & letting your ☀️ shine. You will
most certainly leave an imprint in Heidelberg.
We love you and miss you like crazy!
love you lily 🥹